Saturday, November 29, 2008

:.Learn From The History To Build Up A Brighter Future.:

How do we know what is our purpose in our life? Allah s.w.t said in Al-Quran, surah Ali Imran (3) verse 191 - Who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides, and contemplate in the creation of heavens and earth; (saying) "O our Lord! You have not made it invain, Hallowed be You, You save us from the torment of the Hell - . But the question now is HOW do we said that Allah not made us invain?

To get a better knowledge on what is our purpose in bringing up a better future, I suggest that first we need to learn the history. It could be our own history, our family history, our nation history, our race history or anything. When we really understand The History then we will start to open our eyes to the brighter future. And then we really understand that God did not made us invain.

Believe me, when you learn from the history and you get better understanding of the history you manage to change the world! Just like Stephen Covey said in his most famous book - 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - to be a good leader and effective person you need first being proactive and secondly you must begin with the end in mind! And I stumbled upon this book - The Last Lecture and by reading the review I could hardly understand that this person really begin his life with the end in mind. And how do he did this miracle, of course by learning and understand the history!

Perhaps I will write the step to be effective one by one in this column (as I'm also in the process of learning) and hope that readers will join me step by step in building our life through a better future.

Good luck!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

:.Its Not The Nature but The POLICY.:

I wish I have more time to write about this but as a CEO time is crucial and this wish can only be accomplished with the correct Time Management.

I watched one of the documentary in TV3 last week entitled As-Salam which show about the Muslim's way of living in America. In this topic they show about Khalil Bendib, the cartoonist who freely sketch all of the things that he found right from his perspective, in his own way.

Living in secular country like US is difficult especially for those who holding the title "Muslim". However, this guy successfully get his perspective forward. And I was attracted to his statement that is "We're not going against their nature, but we're going against their policy. Just like Israel, Jew is not wrong but their wild policy is making people sick".

If we look around us today, people keep on finger pointing to each other just because they're not from the same nature,same culture or religions. However, is it because we're not from the same culture it means that we are prohibited from having the same perspective, the same way of thinking? Just because Barrack Obama is Jew than he cannot co-operate with Muslims? Again, its not because of nature but its depend on the policy. Islam could be wrong if someone that is Muslim bring out the wrong policy. (Don't get me wrong, I am a Muslim).

Towards the Wisdom Age, everything will be back to the principle. Religion is principle, so that we have no right to say that other religion is WRONG just because they don't have the same belief like us. Every religion is attached to the principle that is God is Creator and everyone MUST believe in GOD. Is it right for us to complain that Christian is wrong just because they believe in God? And is it right for us to blame on Jew just because they believe in God? And here is the difference, religion and policy is always differ from each other. Jew might be wrong because their policy is to vanish the Muslim. And perhaps the Muslim could be wrong because their policy is to keep silent and not taking any action to protect their rights.

So, we as human must really understand what is principle and what is policy. The best policy is created after we really understand the principle and the principle is simple :. God is creator, He created human to serve Him as what He wants.: (As stated in Al-Quran, Surah Adz-zariyaat, verse 56).And if all human really understand the principle, do they have time to finger point to each other or keep blaming each other in order to find who is right and who is wrong?

Let us think about it.
